On Sunday, October 23, 6 middle schoolers and 9 high schoolers left the school parking lot for a 3-day leadership workshop. At this TSA conference, approximately 200 students from across the state traveled to Rolla, MO, where Missouri S&T is located. Students learned leadership skills, made new friends, and competed in the "Battle Zone" competitions Monday night.
Of these 15 students, 9 were new to the conference. All of these new students achieved their Basic Degree, the first level of MOTSA's leadership program. All other students achieved their academic, collegiate, or scholar degrees. Adrian's 3 state officers helped lead the conference.
Besides coordinate the entire conference, the state officers also lead "Color Chapters". These Color Chapters, each lead by 2 state officers, are formed by conference-goers, randomly selected by a computer generated program. In Color Chapters, students run for chapter office. Adrian's Color Chapter Officers are Amina Scaletty, secretary, and Aaron Yoss, treasurer, of the Green Color Chapter. Students also compete for their chapter in one of five Battle Zone events: Secretary's Book, to be done by the Color Chapter secretary, Treasurer's Book, to be done by the Color Chapter treasurer, Tech Bowl, a STEM oriented version of quiz bowl, Creed, a TSA creed memorization challenge, and Chapter Team, to be done by the color chapter officers.
After the Battle Zone, the scores were tallied. Tuesday, we learned the winners of the competitions. The Green Color Chapter, renamed as the "Green Gremlins" and run by Emilea Dines, won the Creed, Secretary's Book, and Tech Bowl competitions. The Red Color Chapter, renamed as the "Flame Squad" and run by Rachel Mann, won the Treasurer's Book competition. The Purple Color Chapter, renamed as the "Purple Dream Meme Team", won the Chapter Team competition. Overall, the Green Gremlins reigned victorious.
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