On Wednesday evening, September 14th, nine lucky students sat in a line of seats with all eyes on them. “Staff, parents, and students: I welcome you to the 2016-2017 National Honor Society Induction Ceremony of the Adrian R-III Chapter,” Rachel Mann announced to begin the NHS induction ceremony. Rachel as well as Anna Walley, Marissa Markel, Emilea Dines, and Jaylee Welcher proceeded to inform all of the guests on the four qualities that serve as standards for the Society: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
“At this time, will the new inductees please rise, raise your right hand, and repeat the pledge,” Anna Walley said allowed. All nine inductees, Ashlee Burris, Samantha Costigan, Jason Delmont, Logan Harris, Remington Pittman, Tanner Pitts, Connor Pruitt, Robert Reese, and Maly Sears, rose from their seats and repeated the pledge to be officially sworn in . After repeating the pledge, each of their names were called one at a time to fulfill the last step of being inducted: signing their name in the official NHS book and lighting a candle. Refreshments and pictures were a must to end the ceremony off right.
Thursday morning, September 15th, was the first NHS meeting of the year. It consisted of the voting on officers. They stand as follows:
- President: Ally Jennings
- Vice President: Jacob Weeks
- Secretary: Bailey Reed
- Treasurer: Lauren Shipley
- Historian: Brenna Adkins
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